But maybe you aren't like me and you're more apt to dance around like an idiot and wear skinny ties and pay over a $100 to drink well liquor and be subjected to horrendous music. Fortunately for you, there's no need to hit that club tonight. I mean, you know your really not going to steal that New Year's kiss that you've been waiting for all year lardo. With that in mind, if you still feel like waddling around and sweating profusely, then play some of this classic house. It's more fun than working out with a video game (who really wants to do that?) and you won't need to embarrass yourself in public like you did last year. I still remember how you choked on that cheese log and then threw up in the radiator when no one was looking.
P.S. Fuck you 2010. You were easily the worst year in my life.
P.S.S. I love you 2011, please be kind.
La Sonora Mazurén – Magnetismo Anímal (2024)
34 minutes ago