I've got a mate who says that if he ever has a daughter, he plans on naming her Jolene. I have to say Jolene Freeman would be a pretty great name (albeit one that definitely has that West Virginia twinge to it). So this is for him. And for the rest of you too, since it's all too easy to forget that at one time this gal was really a great songsmith. Don't forget that.
Oh, turntableless me blesses you!
ReplyDeleteNo turntables? The horror.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it IS horrible. However, today it's even more horrible to not have a functioning furnace, it's too d*mn early to be worried about pipes freezing!
ReplyDeleteMutter grumble... on the bright side, I suppose the cold is preserving my 1000s of unplayable lps? No wait, that's my hard drive. Hmpf.
A friend of mine who grew up in communist East Germany was named after this song. Dolly Parton made it over The Wall.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. I never thought her reach was so vast.
ReplyDeleteMr. Orbach, I was playing around on your site tonight and marveling that someone else likes both Modern English and Witthuser & Westrupp. I then took a break, came back to the computer, opened up itunes to a Dolly mix I'm trying to arrange for a friend, played the first song (Jolene), wondered how many country songs have bongos, continued to browse your site by turning my loud mouse scroller one click down on auto-pager and... JOLENE. It's enough to freak someone out on a cold dark January night, but luckily Dolly is on.