Thursday, January 6, 2011

Terry Callier-Occasional Rain

Since it's about time to shove off and return to the hills of West Virginia in the morn, I might as well post a parting shot from the hometown. And really, this guy ranks way up there when I start to list off my favorites from Chicago. His early records were in that black/folk idiom which is really under represented (but I really love). He started to blend in the jazz and soul sounds on releases like this and developed a style that still seems so many years ahead of what peers where toiling with. People can claim Detroit, Memphis, ass-crack Alabama, what have you as the ultimate soul scene, but albums like this make me a fierce defender for Chicago's place in the pantheon of great soul music cities. No one had that samey sound that defined most of the regional music movements and, to me, that will always set it apart. But I'm sure people will want to be contentious with claims of this sort. They are gladly welcomed.



  1. I know next to nothing about soul music but I know I like Terry Callier. Thanks.

  2. Unclassifiable, and wonderful. Was missing this one. Thank you!

  3. He seems to be a figure that non-soul-loving people still appreciate. I chalk it up to the fact that he writes amazing songs.

  4. Love this album! I agree and can't really think of anybody else who quite did it the same way as Callier. Just reviewed this one too on my blog.
