Since we're nearing the best holiday of all time, I should probably provide you with something to make the flesh creep. And what is creepier than twins? Especially identical twins. Even though these gals look kinda pretty, twins are still weird. But hearing their paired voices, supplemented by some dude, singing odd, jazz inflected covers of Donovan and Simon & Garfunkel seems somehow right. Extra bonus points received for the Baudelaire reference. If you're into bizzaro vocal harmonies with a slightly experimental edge (I know, it's such a popular genre) than this is for you. If not, then too bad for you.
Aquarian vocalese? Nice.
ReplyDeleteThe Poppy Family is creepier ;-)
Yes, they might be. Love them too.
ReplyDeletethis album is really good
ReplyDeleteDylan, glad you like it. Despite the reissue campaign, it's still pretty unheralded. I hope more people get on board with its weirdness.
ReplyDeletehow have i never heard of this before? strange harmonies (especially the familial--and specifically sisterly--sort) really float my dinghy. (i realize that that sounds kind of wrong. not sure if the fact that i'm a girl makes it more or less so.)
ReplyDeleteNo, I think it sounds appropriate.
ReplyDeletea search after Oliver Nelson led me to your blog.
ReplyDeleteAmazing LP I've never heard. Thank You!
Glad you like it. It's really a pretty strange record that still doesn't get that much talk.
ReplyDeleteRecently saw these two in the Reader's Secret History of Chicago Music (), which of course piqued my interest.
ReplyDeleteAny chance of a reup of this one?
Yeah, I'll do them all eventually. I'm still waiting on that google fiber thing to come through. I thought I'd have it by now. Since it's supposed to be ridiculously fast, the plan is to up my 2.5T (how is terrabite abbreviated anyways?) and I can start pumping things out fast. It's just a matter of how quickly I can get that connection.
ReplyDeleteAnd Steve's articles are always awesome. He seems like a decent dude who knows what's going on. Figures he'd write that up.