You can just tell from the photo that these guys aren't going to be that cheery. And thankfully they aren't. They definitely took a major turn for the worse when they put in their bid for commercial viability, but these early tracks demonstrate just how awesome they were. There's times where I think this might be my favorite band from that era/geography, but a lot of that depends on the mood I'm in at that time. Perhaps they will become your favorite band of all time. It could happen. They do have a song called "Monkey Pilot" and that's pretty cool.
I don't think I've heard Comsat Angels since the time this was first broadcast. Took me right back to my early teens when I would listen to Peel religiously every night, out of parents' earshot, instead of getting all that sleep supposedly so essential for the developing young brain. Might explain a few things about the state of my head now.
ReplyDeleteBut really, who cares about sleep. That was a shrewd sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteI like to think so. And one that I continue to make in pursuit of exciting and original sounds. Sad sack perpetual teenager in an aging body : )
ReplyDeleteSleep is a much overrated pastime anyway, although I am rather fond of lying about in bed til lunchtime.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I through my back out when I sneezed not too long ago. Love all these reminders of lost youth.
ReplyDeleteHurt mine carrying too much vinyl home from a recent record shop trawl. Tragic isn't it? I find it somewhat sentimental but also curiously invigorating listening to old tunes.