It's a well established fact that goats are the third best animal on the planer (getting edged out by elephants and owls). So naturally, an e.p. entitled Goat Songs must be good, right? And I don't think this disappoints. I really don't know much of what this is about. There's a pretty fucked Leonard Cohen cover for people who go for that type of thing. But what I think draws people to this release is that it's purported to be a collaboration between Will Oldham (Palace) and Bill Callahan (Smog). At least that's what I seem to remember. This came out back in the early 90s so I might be wrong about that. My mind is in a gradual state of decay. Even if you could care less about those two sad sacks, this is still worth a listen. I admit, they both have moments of greatness, but there's also been much disappointment. Last time I saw Will Oldham, he was wearing nut-hugging cut off jean shorts. Not sexy.
Ah, possible re-up? I know it's been ages...