I once saw a girl that had this cover tattooed on her entire bicep and I instantly fell in love with her. Not because of her looks or anything. I just knew that anyone who had a Spacemen 3 tattoo that large must be a fascinating person. But I never did talk to her so who knows. Normally, I'd be really reluctant to endorse any band tattoos. Do you really still like that Gruntruck tattoo you got all those years back? But Spacemen 3 are so amazing people should be stamping their face with this logo. There entire catalog is essential, but this one always stands out. Not the space rock/gospel/blues/psych jams as usual, but instead, this is their nod to LaMonte Young's drone music. I remember when this came out I was initially a little disappointed that this wasn't some sitar jam. Anyways, it still works for me.
I used to see this lot play a number of times back in the day. House parties and school halls mostly. Big fish in a small pond I guess although they never appealed to the locals very much. There was a band some of them were in before Spacemen whose name eludes me now and I saw them practice once or twice. I thought they were shit hot at the time. Very upbeat and in a similar vein to Sex Gang Children / Southern Death Cult. Don't think they ever released anything. Shame really. I bet someone has got some tapes somewhere.
ReplyDeleteand right after I post a 13th floor elevators tribute. they really did take the "rollercoaster" to a whole new plateau
ReplyDeleteone time i saw a girl who was unbelievably beautiful, in a spacemen 3 shirt, and had a similar experience, and that's not nearly as hardcore as a bicep tattoo.
ReplyDeleteexcellent, i didn't have this one. thank you!
Majes, if you ever come up with that name then send it along. That is something I will would hunt to the end of the earth to hear.
ReplyDeleteWD. Wasn't trying to steal your thunder.
ReplyDeleteJ. Still sounds like a promising moment.
Edo. Welcome as always.
I had a little online search not expecting to find anything and this showed up, which brought back a ton of memories
Apologies for the length of that link! I might have to get myself a copy.
Anyway I had it in my mind that they were called Indian Scalp Hunt but dismissed it because I also remembered that was a lyric from one of their songs. But I was wrong to be so hasty because they were actually called Indian Scalp after all.
I'll ask friends if they can come up with any old recordings but don't hold your breath! I don't think I know anyone in regular direct contact with any of the band any more. Sounds like there is at least a demo tape to be sought out.
Thanks for the link. There's still much I can learn about this amazing group.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you ever get your hands on those recordings then pass them along.
Sorry to break up the love-fest here...but this record doesn't have a lot to offer. Sounds like one of those famously bad records that a band might put together as their last album needed to fulfill a contract with the record label, only less interesting. It's a little like those sleep music CDs you can buy, such as "Snoozey Sounds of the Forest" or "Endless Monotonic Hours of Surf Noise". I remember these guys from back in the day but can't say I know any of their stuff. I seem to recall they had a relatively major hit in the late 80s or early 90s.
ReplyDeleteSorry T.R. You don't know what you're talking about. Thems fightin words round here. And what hit are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteOf course, contrarians are always welcome around here. But back up your shit. Taste is taste and I get that. But really it boils down to the fact that I am right and those who disagree don't know shit unless it's in the form of a Cleveland Steamer.
ReplyDeleteJerry, once again you enhance my life with some new vocabulary. That Cleveland Steamer bit is great. It's what keeps me coming back to your blog. You post first rate shit and you don't fuck around. Mostly, I like reading the entries with each posting. Witty and refreshing. Refreshing in the sense of a face plant into a gravel road from the seat of a high speed motorcycle.
ReplyDeleteSpacemen 3...Like you said taste is taste.
P.S. still laughing about the Cleveland Steamer
I love this album. I used to listen to it all the time, just recently went for another spin and it brought back great memories. The other songs on this record are also super good, although I always seem to forget about them.
ReplyDeleteThis album is not good to listen to when you are really stoned and lost in a weird industrial part of Denver, driving around in circles...I learned the hard way
That sounds like the exact reason why you should listen to this album.