For Troy. Ask and ye shall receive. Anytime someone has some requests, I'm more than obligated to fulfill it. So here's more Arthur Brown. If someone like Plastic Crimewave (Steve Krakow) can name his zine (the best thing I've read in the past ten years or so) after this album, then who am I do say that it's not worth a listen? I just prefer the synth/drum machine freakout of Journey more. Not to say this isn't good, it's just not as mind blowing in my demented mind. There'll be more Arthur Brown to follow, if you're keepin' tabs.
I certainly agree.....Journey is the best I've heard from him....I read somewhere that their was another album from '73...
ReplyDeletethere's one just called kingdom come. i can post that too. I'm just not sure where that file is saved. And of course, there's the crazy world of, which I'm not that crazy about.
ReplyDeleteSuch a powerful voice. I think this is my favourite although of course I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment. And I have always loved s1 of Crazy World. The in between albums Strangelands (Crazy World) and Replicas (Rustic Hinge) included proto-GZD tracks and much more experimental material. I haven't played them in years and being an old fogey can't rightly remember how much I liked them. Certainly it was far less commercial which I suppose is why they weren't released til the 80s. I mention the Rustic Hinge lp because although Arthur Brown only sings on one track I was just looking at the sleeve and noticed that it also features High Tide playing Rustic Hinge, a band I was only saying a couple of days ago that I had never heard : )
ReplyDeleteOh, I love Rustic Hinge. Maybe I'll post that sometime.