I guess I never told you that I am also a fantastic cook. It's true. Just ask my ingrate friends since I always end up cooking for their even-toast-is-too-hard-to-cook asses. And if you also enjoy the culinary arts, then I say download this and the next time your making some goulash, give it a spin. If you are someone who'd rather just heat up a tv dinner, it's okay too. I'm not judging. But even you might find this to be of interest, since it is (I think) one of Steve Albini's first production...err...engineering jobs. I might be wrong about this, but I think he actually released it on a label he had at the time. But I think you'd probably think it was something new by the sounds of it. Kinda reminds me of every group that exists now that has a bunch of girls in it. Weird how generic everything has become. Anyways, give it a listen and if your in the area stop by for dinner (fuck no, I won't cook your vegan shit) and I'll even give you a haircut.
Ha ha. I'll have to cook you a vegan meal if you ever pass by this way as you obviously aren't that great a chef.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer, but I prefer flavor. Things just seem to taste better when death is involved.
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, since I believe you mentioned them before, have you heard that new Death album that was recently released? I just downloaded it, but haven't given it a listen yet.
You must have destroyed your sense of taste chewing on all those corpses. I found it took a good while for my palate to readjust to the point where flavour became a more subtle and rewarding experience than it ever had been when I was a meat eater.
ReplyDeleteI spotted that Death album floating about but haven't snagged it yet. I'll hunt it down when I get a chance although I have enough trouble keeping up with the quality (musical) goods you are continuing to serve up. Some of your recent posts have taken me to new territories which is always a pleasure. Food for the ears.
I played the crap out of this back in the day, specifically "House of Mirrors". Generic my ass! Nonetheless, I'm totally coming over for dinner if I'm ever in your neck of the woods.
ReplyDeleteVegans not invited, sorry! Even my dear vegan friends know I hate cooking for them. Thank god for olive oil.
Holly, I didn't mean that this album is generic, but that there's just too much music now that all sounds the same.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you make your way up to West Virginia then stop by. But who knows where I'll be once the summer comes. I need to relocate soon.
Re current day genericism - agreed. Dum dum vivian stoner with long suffering cat tweet twit wave wavve hype blah blah.
ReplyDeletePoor cat.
Dinner is on!
If I gatecrash I'll bring a packed lunch and sit upwind of your plates then.
ReplyDeleteThere must be something different out there, off the radar. These things can take years to emerge though. Especially at my age. After all, it's hard enough catching up with the last four decades.
Well, I think there's plenty good out there, but my problem is most likely rooted in something that should be an asset. By that I mean the easy accessibility to so much music. Majes, we've talked about buying weird records based on little information and how that shapes the listening experience. I think with the lack of that experience, the way in which one forms his/her musical tastes is completely different. Not to slag on everyone who came up in the age of the internet, but I feel like it's pretty easy to detect the trends of what is considered cool, even in sub-sub-cultures. Because of this, it seems like most contemporary bands just use some crib sheet of accepted musical influences, which inevitably dictates their direction. I guess the answer is to keep digging deeper and find those who seem to resist the easy hip points. They do exist, but it's a chore to find. And the odd thing is that so much of what influences so many bands right now are bands that I truly love. So I'm glad those sounds are coming back, I just wish there was new elements that transcended simple simulation. Like when bands would love to AC/DC and ABBA and Captain Beefheart (mostly because that's what was around (maybe not so much Beefheart)) and then made some really out there sounds. Now, it's easy to love all the obscure krautrock records I could never find and add that to some proto-industrial albums (which I could also never find), etc. But why does it all end up sounding so fucking similar?
ReplyDeleteThat's the drunken rant for the night. Back to the drink.