There's gotta be more than a few of you out there who see this day as just amateur hour for dilettantes who drink shitty champagne and act like assholes three times a year. Buddy, I can drink any day I want and i definitely don't need you blowing that party favor in my face. If you're like me and hate all these obnoxious celebrants might I suggest a nice bottle of Żubrówka and this portable black hole. I'm betting that every one who wants to hear this already owns it, since it's truly essential, but since this blog is really just about posting albums I like and secretly fear I might lose/get stolen, it's reassuring to me to know that I can always have it (even if it is in a virtual form). I've had people try to argue with me that Scott Walker is over rated. If they we're just basing this on his early out put I may be slightly swayed. But when you consider this album and Tilt, those people sound like a bunch of dunces who probably listen to Wilco. I say fuck them.
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ReplyDeleteI'm not scared of Żubrówka but, I've been pestered for decades to give this guy a chance but something E. A. Poe be warned inner voice tells me to steer clear. I've not listened to anything since "The Sun Ain't..." but maybe this being a New Year I'll bite the bullet...maybe
ReplyDeleteI say start backwards. Get this and then work your way back. There's plenty of schmaltz in his discography, but the two later period albums are just uncategorizable. Totally unique and inspired.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Andy. Both of the later records are absolutely incredible. This guy is not overrated.
ReplyDeleteSee it's true. If a man like Sam can back up my claims then you know it can be trusted.